Mayor's Message
New Zoning Regulations
Hello Neighbors,
This summer the Annetta North Town Council completed a two-year study and revision of the Town’s Zoning Ordinance. The previous Zoning Ordinance was adopted in 2003 and consisted of two zoning districts — an agricultural district and a flood plain district. While the 2003 ordinance was simple and effective, over time, the ordinance failed to comply with a myriad array of new state and federal regulations and requirements. As a result, a zoning revision was necessary to ensure our limited, but important, zoning laws were legally enforceable.
The goal of the Mayor and Town Council of Annetta North was to develop an updated Zoning Ordinance compliant with current state and federal regulations and which would minimally impact the current residents and preserve the lifestyle and spirit of the Town of Annetta North as it currently exists.
The zoning process is actually a three-step process. With significant help from our Town Attorney, the zoning regulations are updated. A new Town Zoning Map is also created under the guidance of our Town Engineer and the map and ordinance are then reconciled with our long-term Town Plan. All three, the updated Zoning Ordinance, the updated Zoning Map, and the Town Plan, are shown below. I encourage you to read all of these items at your leisure to familiarize yourself with the new regulations and Zoning Map, and to see if your vision for the future of Annetta North, as outlined in the long-term Town Plan, is reflected by the Council’s actions.
In brief, the new Zoning Ordinance contains an agriculture and separate commercial zoning district. In addition, there are four residential districts, one acre, two acres, four acres, and six acres in size. Building size, building height and house setback requirements will vary with the acreage size. For your information, federal law now requires multiple different district options, even if the options are not included on the existing Zoning Map. Jenkins Road, at the request of its Town Representatives, is now a four-acre residential district, Quail Ridge remains a two-acre designation. West Hill is also zoned a two-acre district. The remaining areas of the Town, with one exception, will either carry a two-acre designation or an agricultural designation. The agriculture district includes farming areas, floodway and floodplain property; and also serves as a holding district as the Town of Annetta North grows and development ensues. A small commercial district is located in the future town center across from the church and railroad tracks where a car repair facility currently exists.
A simple permitting process is now in place for all future construction to help ensure awareness, understanding, and compliance of the new zoning regulations. The Town Council will also serve as the Board of Adjustment to interpret the Zoning Ordinance, consider special exception requests, and determine where variances may be appropriate.
You will also see two areas on the Zoning Map marked “Conservation Easements.” If you have open space, or property in a floodway or floodplain, you may wish to consider dedicating the property to the Town as a Conservation Easement. In this way, the property is preserved, in “perpetuity” as a “green space” for the Town and its citizens going forward. Your donation, however, may also provide you with certain tax advantages for you or your estate.
As you work through and familiarize yourself with the Town Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Zoning Map, please feel free to contact me or any member of the Town Council with questions, concerns, comments or suggestions. As the Dallas-Fort Worth population growth moves to east Parker County, the current regulations and Zoning Map represent an update, but the process will require constant revision and refinement.
Thank you for your consideration.
Robert Schmidt, MD