Town of Annetta North

Oil and Gas Drilling Fee Schedule

Ordinance 2003-3 is hereby amended to read as follows:

Specific Use Permits for Petroleum of Gas Wells, or Petroleum or Gas Pipelines, and related fees.

An individual, or entity required to obtain, or an applicant for (i) a permit, (ii) a transfer of permit, (iii) an inspection, (iv) a reinspection, (v) review or (vi) other ordinance compliance requirement pursuant to Ordinance 2003-1, as amended, shall reimburse to the Town for all engineering fees, consulting fees, attorney fees and other fees, or applicable costs and expenses incurred by the Town with respect there to and in addition shall pay the applicable administrative fee set forth below:

Specific Use Permits for Petroleum or Gas Wells, or Petroleum or Gas Pipelines, and related fees

a) Specific use permit for new petroleum or gas well $7500.00
b) Specific use permit for new petroleum or gas pipeline Inspection and/or Boring Under City Right of Way (each bore) $5000.00
c) Transfer of permit if well is sold $500
d) Petroleum & Gas Periodic Inspection fee $500
e) Re-inspection fee (if required) $250